

從Google直接譯trip hop 得出旅行蛇麻

純直覺....mind mapping

亞馬遜熱帶森林 國家地理 旅行 旅人 動物 長頸鹿 紋 本能 一星夜下 她與土著交配中意外給響尾毒蛇咬了一口 全身麻痺
感官  放大  伸延____  像旋渦被 鼓樂  蛇尾震聲 捲入 掉進____無底洞 變了 像2001太空漫游的HAL主機/     奧德賽 在無限境界中胡亂醒轉 為了報復 不措一切將土人及蛇 殺死


!suck it you Mr. crap!!

New girl! love zooey deschanel!
i am loving this drama! funny and optimistic!
i wish i have flatmates like them
suck it you Mr. crap!!!!
i am glad that you dump me, otherwise i don't know how to make an end of it!
suck it you Mr. liar.


it is a bliss either to live or die here

Location: Nagano, Japan
Use: Summer house
Completion: 2010
Steel construction
Land area: 590.94㎡
Total floor area: 71.37㎡

This house is absolutely lovely and ambient. The only thing i can think of about the outdoor area where you can have sunbath facing the forest. is the Laputa tune of Joe Hisaishi....
Just imagine lying down, enjoying the sun with the music... i wish i can die in such way

yoichi yamamoto architects: 2D/3D chairs for issey miyake

I love this store interior so much.. if the plain coloured t-shirt costs you like 50quid... i'd still love to buy it.... lol this is packaging and marketing KID!


踊ってばかりの国 「悪魔の子供」reflection::

i love the music video so much and i made this afterward.
::::///Crazy rabbit uncle is in love with cute shy young guitarist
the pink deer is the god of the fancy party where people will pop all the grassy green balloons when they are high///::::::



Guided Saccade (installation) by Matthew Biederman

HK audio-visual artist::: CHOI SAI HO

http://www.choisaiho.com/ basically they are all my favorite tracks! i'd recommend Track 2,3 then 4,5,6,7,8,9,10 yea,please just spend some time listen to all of them. They are all in quite different styles, i m so impressed how he achieved that!

as well as his visual projects:: my favorite is this one  'Keep Cool'


All you need to do is dance.:: Interactive dance floor project by tomlaan

Crowd DJ is a dance controlled interactive sound mixer that gives the crowd control over the musical output.
Each area of the dance floor activates a sound channel. But, when the dancing stops, the music will immediately shut down – demanding that the crowd is constantly active and keep the energy going. The crowd is in control, so by working together the composition can be altered or complete silence created.
The way DJs perform nowadays is constantly changing. This sometimes leads to (somewhat) boring performances. So, why not challenge the audience a bit and give them a bigger responsibility?


check out his amazing tunes!!(click the green link above!)*


very random

um.. just had a best roll EVER! i'm glad that i learnt
.....Practice makes perfect.

BFI. i NEED to go. A very dreamy thought: watching French new wave movies there
nice big seat and popcorn are enquired.

Endless postcard collection
it is almost like having a reproduction exhibition in my room. quite often i changed them for every 3-6 months it depends if i have got hold of something delicious

just so used to my fake tattoo. i love when people saw them on my arms and started to talk about their desire of getting a real one, and usually ended up not having one as parents will chopped their heads if they do or lack of courage...
but i quite like the fact that it is temporary and watching it getting washed out day by day
also the fact that i knew it is temporary but i still wanted to put it on my skin.....
i suppose this is about the notion of being not to aware of stuff is not timeless.. V.S still knowing it is always the fact.....


i love rumbling on my blog as there is no an actual person responding me, which i can keep going on
without making any sense... you know when you talk about life and stuff in front of someone, you will just need to ask" Am i making sense?" or like" um.. i hope it is not too cheesy".. and i find it putting me off... just so annoying... i am definitely like whispering to the damn tree hole....


Bonne Nuit


This is a War




一筆一劃地打出的文字 並不看似任何怪物
對著無形的你 像耳語般說出我有多麼的想把你殺死



經期 期 週期 圓圈
來 去 去 回來
直到死亡 讓空氣把身體腐壞

由現在起 時間慢了一個小時



My 2 experimental sound pieces inspired by Jean-Luc Godard

Qu'est-le que c'est degueulasse? by doro fu One of the most important New Wave movie A bout de souffle(1960) and it is my favourite movie, i recorded the last scene which it is the most controversial one, Michel(the car thief) threw a cruel comment just before he died to Patricia, the girl who actually called the police so Michel got shot when he was escaping. A man was being betrayed and even 'killed' by a sweetheart. I re-edited the conversation and added a intensive drum soundtrack indicating the heartbeat of Michel while emphasizing the word: dégueulasse Je suis vraiment dégueulasse - Qu'est ce qu'il a dit ? - Il a dit : "vous êtes vraiment une dégueulasse" - Qu'est-ce que c'est "dégueulasse" Michel:"Life's a bitch." Patricia:"What did he say?" Police: "He said,'You're a bitch.' (déguellasse)" Patrica:"What's a déguellasse?" déguellasse in French is meaning discussing it is an expression but what is the real meaning of it for Michel or Patricia.. nobody knows...
Qu'est ce que je peux faire?Je sais pas quoi faire! by doro fu I selected the famous line of Anna Karina as Marianne Renoir in the movie- Pierrot le fou by Jean-Luc Godard in 1965. The metronome intercrossed with my breathe, with the guitar and subtle keyboard tones and intensive effect of the conversation, this gives me a moment to reflect what am i doing and do i really wanna know. Marianne Renoir: Qu'est ce que je peux fairs? Je sais pas quoi faire!!! (In English: What am I going to do? I I don't know what to do!!!) http://soundcloud.com/ doro-fu


A system

Could our life system be like this? sorry my brain is so full of triangles these days probably it is permanent... every day i keep thinking relationship between 3 different stuff// have been thinking why is it so contradicted to make a equal triangle hallow sculpture which has to be perfect while it sounds so easy and simple

apparently i am now trying to keep a visual diary here....
trying to keep things in three lol
today's main 3 stuff go to... 1. Human space 2. Submarine 3. a perfume that can't be sprayed

A very interesting part i have read in Human space by O.F Bollnow today
very precisely i recall page.88, The foreign:

.....Nietzsche recognized this very clearly in the second of his Thoughts out of seasons. "A living thing" , he writes," can only be healthy, strong and productive with a certain horizon: if it be incapable of drawing on round itself.. it will come to an untimely end. Cheerfulness, a good conscience, belief in the future, the joyful deed, all depend... on there being a line the divides the visible and clear from vague and shadowy. Nietzsche then applies this particular to his relationship with his own past, and it serves to escape from an excess of historical knowledge, but it is also, and even primarily, true of human relationships between what's one own and what is foreign. Nietasche adopts the geographical concept of the horizon in a figurative sense in order to describe this demarcation from an excess of foreignness.

What i interpret from that is there is always a line between different sort of things, but of course there is connection between them, however primarily they are always individuals.
this is what i am intrigued by tonight^^

Bonne nuit 





山火 直升機代步走公路上山 打電話救火 又遇見不肯收捨死老鼠的女管理員
癲狂互打的暈車片段 長滿紅點的臉


宿舍要共用洗手間 一屋竟有十多人 而有一房全是粉紅色芭比娃娃的佈置


下面這首是甜梅號的 惡夢便當
還有馬克白的兔子跑 實在太Catchy 連日成個腦都係LOOP緊rabbit run
father father you are my only parent


純屬巧合 only coincidence

today's delta Mak Kay, Leslie Cheung, James Dean
P.S Copic markers are AWESOME -3-

just a thought by Murakami

"Things outside you are projections of what's inside you, and what's inside you is a projection of what's outside. So when you step into the labyrinth outside you, at the same time you're stepping into the labyrinth inside."- Kafka in the shore by Murakami


Washed Out - Soft (HD MUSIC VIDEO)

really you have caught my eyes:::

I really didn't know Battles is from New York since i saw this poster in Bologna, Italy for the first time
i was so fucking curious about the form, colour and textures of the freaking weird object
it totally got my eyes on it
just randomly wandered on anonymous people bloggers and eventually found stuff about Battles in http://pulp.bluecircus.net/(音速青春) a blog from Taiwan::: a guy who loves indie//rock so many music..... which drove him to England for a music festival at the age of 20 and he got a book about how his life in NY..... pretty interesting for me

well i found the blog above from this blog::
http://kafkabythe.blogspot.com/(海邊的卡卡 Kafka on the shore) it is a music blog from Taiwan
i found it pretty helpful since i have not much ideas about Taiwan indie music

my favorite track is ft. Kazu Makino from Blonde Redhead, sure her voice is known as very unique, soft and spiritual... i just like her so much sometime i think she looks so much alike with Charlotte Gainsbourg !yeah<3


because of agnès b radio ///

 i remember she told me she found my blog accidently in google when she typed" agnès b. radio"
in the search bar
that's how we met
it is funny enough to see each other in HK for the very first time
i suppose it is what people say faith or perhaps a not so beautified word would be coincidence
she told me loads of her hilarious stories which are all based on the truth
it is really happy to just laugh about stuff
Woody Allen said When tragedy meets time, it becomes a joke. (it is not the original quote)
really, if something is really matter,then it matters but for not long, please just laugh about it. 


你牢盯著前面山景 享受多年不變的優美景色
或許在很久以前 做一隻井底之蛙是快樂無比
但現今資訊發達 一個電話 一開電視 一上網 便知道世界另一頭在發生什麼事
像我在家中開空調平靜看書 另一邊廂倫敦等英國多個地方正發生暴動
人愈長大 便愈發現種種醜陋的事實
有時心中會很不忿 很震驚 有一種很想為自己抱打不平的衝動
問題就是人是總會為自己尋找問題 因此常說無知可以是福
但在正常的腦部發育下 是問人怎不能沒有愈成熟的思考 愈細緻的感情等等
我爸常說煩惱是人自尋的 或者我會這樣詮釋 煩惱也會自動找上門 但若我們用不太執著的態度去面對 相信它們自然會迎刃而解


新裤子 After Party

你說得真好 我要存下時時看一看


尽管我从6,7岁时就开始学画,从未间断,经过学堂,进入庙堂,顺水推舟地进入了一个所谓的江湖,在这漫长的17,8年里,我习惯着以一个“学生”的心态敬畏着我所处的这个行业。但是,我粗糙的双眼似乎无法明了那个象牙塔。我想,我心中永远住着一位委拉斯开兹1(Diego Rodríguez de Silva y Velázquez,1599年6月6日-1660年8月6日),他在自己的花园里耕种,不辞辛劳,他的经验只在那些枝繁叶茂之间。这位大师不断鞭策着我——妄想尽快了解他——急于尽快丢弃他——反而尽快让这种想法流于形式。梳理自己心中对艺术的看法很难,尤其是像我这样,在长时间的离心力驱使下,表达笃定认同很难,表达质疑否定很难。我逐渐习惯了这种不确定的确定,它与我所获得的快感唇齿相依。







本身是沒有想過要去這個展覽 因為昨天約了朋友到尖沙咀The One 18樓囂吧(順帶一提: 環境不俗 又可以觀看維港日落景色 下午去HH 有微風不會太熱) 言歸正傳 因早到便到藝術館去涼個冷氣 我對香港藝術館不是太存有好感(細到嘔電,常設展覽悶到嘔茄) 除了2 3樓有sofa 可以觀看維港景色 "任坐唔嬲" 不過要吹水的請降低聲線 除了星期三 學生入場費也不過是5元正 暑假天氣炎熱 商場鋪頭一式一樣早已看嫌 咖啡廳燈光過暗又喧嘩聲似街市 想看書的不宜久留 好好好 再一次言歸正傳 上一次不算 說真 我很喜歡這個展覽 特別是「承傳與創造—藝術對藝術」展品不多 但勝在算生動有趣

一入門口 右手面便有洪強的錄像裝置藝術 一個死胡同的設計 置身在三面掛有Panasonic電視裡 感覺像小時候到大型電器店觀看永遠放一樣頻道的眾電視機們 而眼睛會花大約幾秒去找一個盲點(隨意一電視)去死盯著 我便是用這個方式去欣賞 因為我認為藝術家沒有過於著重表達錄像內容 而是整體上暈眩的包圍效果 (剛剛看到簡介附有同樣作品在另外地方是以大型銀幕投影展出) 就是因為藝術館面積有限 就可能將作品原意大大打了折扣(which i fucking hate)
然後我便用我一向"倒鈙法" 先走馬看花直入最深處 可能因為我最愛看的投影/錄像作品(有一間房,有簾)大多放在較"低調"的地方 因為他們不會被放在入口當眼處 伍韶勁的光之紀錄概念出色 但會由於我對其作品的製作方法(高科技)不太熟悉 因此到現在也不太明白 但勝在有感觀 配樂則沒有給我大太印象

白雙全:呼吸一間屋的空氣 2006

展覽內最令我印象深刻的是白雙全的"呼吸一間屋的空氣"video作品 內容大致上記錄他在韓國釜山的一所小型住所內十天把一個個透明膠袋吹氣 然後將它們一個個搭上 直至充滿整個單位 我完全被他的無聊及誠意打動 我更認為有時候最簡單直接的藝術是最能影響人 成功的藝術品是不用大篇文章也可以直接同觀眾(Audiences)有交流 我記得曾經有一位前輩跟我講過 創作藝術的人不能再單純地為了抒發自己 不能夠只用自己的第一身去思考 到現在他的說話我也牢記著 不過實行進度較慢 無論如何 不只是藝術 思考世間萬物都不能太主觀 要多角度去分析 同時亦不要迷失自我 就是所謂的風格 或者還有一點就是要堅持 相信自己這樣有一天總有人會欣賞你
另外我十分喜歡黃國才的顯赫家族 他以聰明的簡單設計 將黑色幽默匯入日常生活用品 來諷刺時下本地地產商壟斷及以豪華廣告去誤導消費者的詬病

唐詠詩 人 墨2009
在另一邊「承傳與創造—水墨對水墨」, 看到一個投影作品 以水墨作靈感 由一點墨化成一個千百萬點的"跑步墨人" 算是生動有趣 特別提起是因為藝術家加了水的聲效 使到空間有一重永無上境的效果 即使錄像內容簡單也不有聽覺的感觀衝擊 而且這一點跟我自己上一個大學作品很相近
What you see it's not what it seems 2011
我把魚兒投影再錄像再投影 在一空間內播放之前錄的水聲 可惜概念模糊不清(Vague)
總結一下 在場所見大多以精美畫作表達的藝術家 翻一翻簡介 大多是出身中大藝術系 以另類媒體如LED 投影等 多是有外國藝術碩士學位 當然亦有藝術家如謝淑婷 在中大藝術系畢業亦有 澳洲墨爾本皇家理工大學藝術碩士學位(不知是否HKAS中FINEART合辦那個) 她的作品是處景INSTALLATION 因此在那可以見到藝術家受中或西或本港一套影響之深淺與否
門口GREETING以龔志成 也斯 梅卓燕 合作將三大元素 音樂 文學(詩) 舞蹈集成 以由天花投影到地上 但個人認為我在望錄像 又要同時間回望印有詩句的牆身 我明白用意是希望觀眾可以俯視展廳 但這樣要我轉來轉去 令到也斯的詩句同音樂及現代舞抽離 亦使出一種格格不入的合成感覺
Jenny Holzer
而且投影太細 真的像一張地毯 一張放在屋前的地毯 完全是GREETING 可惜不夠大方
我認為不仿可以參考 Jenny Holzer 的投影字句 詩句於不同建築物上或室內 凝造視覺伸延 空間擴大的效後 而且更可以引領入場者 有一種導入式的效用 


迷幻列車:choose your future.choose life.

是的,昨晚是我第一次看這部電影 看畢整部都知跟火車沒有直接關係 整個腦海都是被那死嬰跟" the best toilet in Scotland" 充斥 可想此電影是勵志的 吸毒危害健康 影響一生
當然吸毒對我僅是會在電影裡出現 而Trainspotting 真的把吸毒過程拍得很真實
OST 一個字:正 電影真是太英國了 就是因為那些似火星語的蘇格蘭口音及那些去PUB飲酒 口水橫飛 CLUB場找今晚獵物 等等 配以Blur///New order//Joy Division//etc. 襯爆 一味懶佬調皮憤世嫉俗

我的分析: 主角有小聰明 衰好運 家中雙親不離不棄 獲美少女點醒 世界萬物皆在變化 在所謂的好友中極其空虛 及早脫離 自立門戶 恭喜發財 做人要帶點壞 帶點良心 好讓其他人還相信好人有好報


無無聊聊 笑點仍然低

久違了的蔡同志 無無聊聊 笑點仍然低 並共組貝戈戈人文偽組合



晚風吹著我的臉 低頭可看見影子中頭髮在飄揚
前後不一 步伐一致

停車場的白光管襯托被雨水弄得深淺不一的石屎牆 一條條淚痕似的 光管光芒毫不客氣將它們全部呈現出來
那處一眨一眨的光管像是作最後掙扎 突然蟋蟀叫聲更響更雜
我呼吸節奏變得急速 一刻將其他轉成靜音 我抬頭把畫面成姣潔的月光與深藍的天空

多麼想可打破離心力的規定 令我可慢慢浮上天 隨風吹走

就讓我少說話幾天 有時我寧可猜想你心想什麼
而我有問題的時候 很想和親愛的人說 可是我知根本是徙勞的
說我無用 但從不想過我曾試圖自己一人解決問題的努力
究竟是否知道過程與未來無從知曉 的道理呢

晚跑中兜兜轉轉 最後跑回家 又全不覺自己是屬於此


My tumblr


發覺自己都係好膚淺 極鐘意睇圖片而不是文字 或者可能是圖片始終可以俾到我第一的視覺衝擊 直接影響我腦神經 我決定都整個tumblr 只是放我看完喜歡的圖片 有關art fashion film music text.......咩都好 來一次只用圖片沖擊自己大腦 如果你有時間 又賞面 就得閒禁去睇下http://dororofu.tumblr.com/ 我想做到會睇既人會有衝動去SAVE低張相 or做further research :)


墜落天使 王家衛 一九九五年

                                  第一次看完王家衛的墜落天使 處處都佈滿重慶森林的影子
在這套戲中 我最喜歡的一段是金城武扮演一名啞吧與楊采妮扮演失戀女子
"當我看見她時 我覺得自己好像一家店
不知不感間 她走進了我這家店
只可是在這世界上有太多店了 有時會一廂情願進錯了店買錯了衫