

朋友今日介紹的AK ZONE貼圖區完全滿足了我將快樂建築於別人痛苦身上的性格





很久沒有留意就醬的BLOG了 但每一之去看都一定會有爆笑位
今日看到一篇關於就醬媽媽要買筆電的文章 笑死了我

ANYWAY, 就醬媽竟然直接用手指按沒有TOUCH PANEL功能的筆電!!

話說有次叫老爸幫我拍照 他竟然將部數碼相機整個倒轉 顯示機對著他自己的臉
單起眼 很認真地問: '點解睇唔到你ge?' 他以為我部cheap boomboom 相機 有SLR 的功能
我還記得之前老媽使出金錢利慾我教她上網 但她是連最基本如何操作電腦都不知道的
可知要教一位可愛的純真家庭主婦 真的要列印教學 她最主要是想查詢每天台灣股市的情況
於是我就PRINT SCREEN 每個步驟 從開機 (要畫個開關制圖案) 之後怎樣可以開IE 上台灣GOOGLE 打 股票名等等...

她之後都沒有再操作過 連碰電腦先生一下也沒有.....

他老人家主要是想要一部可以插2張卡 字體巨大的手電
當然一開始他不大會操作.. 結果螢幕出現了一大堆令人摸不著頭腦的APP
例如,提示生日的朋友, Chatting工具,時鐘有3萬個(不知道他怎樣弄的)
很難想像 倘若在地鐵裡, 剛好在旺角停站, 電話突然響起, 乘客目光大多立刻轉移到短褲MK妹妹身上....這時老爸慢慢從公事包拿出電話, 還要離遠看看是誰打來(因為老花)..這樣又迫無辜的乘客聽多幾秒美妙的聆聲....又有誰想到是一位中年阿生的電話

不過因為他們這樣 我才會反省究竟人類是否一定'需要' 這些HIGH TECH 東西呢?

宅女,上街吧!(干物女hoshimono on'na don't say everything is 面倒臭Mendōkusa=troublesome!) GO TO DEMONSTRATE NOW!

宅女,上街吧!不要再躲在家中自拍了! from Dorothy Fu on Vimeo.
MUSIC BY: 林阿P-宅女,上街吧!


Chinese local village lunar new year performance

sometimes i think it really takes courage to be on the stage
these 3 Chinese girls are really brave, i suppose they are quite young...
to be honest, their performances are holly SHIT.
But this reminds me my high school singing competitions, we were singing incredibly TERRIBLE with hilarious dances, we never won and we would say it is very unfair as we were extremely serious lol
anyway, when i watched our videos afterward, i really wished that my face was hidden.......
Being young is really being stupid.


my friend's brilliant photoshop skill and 'her' cat

today she sent this picture suddenly
that is the notebook i bought in Taiwan
i like her Jumper anyway

her name is'ah faa' 阿花 she is fat like a pet but she is a homeless cat

the song she recommended me today lol thx

A good start

Although today is Monday, but i feel like it is a very good start of the following week, as if it is the first day of the week. And i never treat Sunday as the first day of the week, it is just not making sense-_-
anyway, i went to post office to get the book" Mrs Dalloway" of Virginia Woolf; which i got it form Amazon.com, it is really cheaper then Waterstone, what i want to say is , the bloody stupid point of Amazon.com is, they don't know how to minimize the size of the envelop... so the postman said it is too big for my 'brilliant' pigeon hole... you know, online shopping is all about getting stuff INDOOR, that's why lazy people like me fond of.

hopefully, i am going to see the new movie' Never let me go' of the original writer-Kazuro Ishiguro tomorrow,i am quite interested in Japanese writers since i had read Murakami's, i suppose they tend to write some really sad, poetic romantic stories. I quite like the way how Murakami writes about sex and love in avery detailed and poetic way, it is very beautiful indeed, especially i like people who can talk about how a leaf falling down from a tree for three pages( just joking) that's so artistic... isn't it?! 假文藝-_-

well, by watching the short film from Sally O'reilly in Bonington today, i feel it is so funny and so " YEA! YOU GOT THE POINT!" It is basically about how people being misunderstood by general TV soap drama/comedy about how an artist should be. It was done by different footages that captured from those TV programmes by the artist. They are from something like Absolutely Fabulous/ Sex and the city,etc. There are actress and actor being so so pretentious of how an artist 'should' be, they are mostly painters, and one of them would spread loads of sketches on the floor, flicking a charcoal with his fingers, and have an eye-closing serious look, in order to strike an inspiration.... it is so fucking stupid! anyway, i just find it so difficult to describe myself as an art student, i can only say i am still finding a 'right' term.. whatever i can't be bothered! 
haha,frankly, sometimes i really don't know what the hell i am doing, well, life is just a matter of killing time,isn't it? lol i suppose everyone can name themselves artist, i think my family are artists...lol
like my dad, he got his own attitude of dealing with the shit of life, for instance, being positive and rather spending time on bed instead of being anxious about them. I really admire that.lol

start to feel hungry now, time to stop, let me pick an image for today.



Ikea vs individualize

i got a very cheap lamp from Ikea, so that i can feel so relaxing while watching movies
-_- not J movies,oki? lol anyway, i sticked two stickers on my laptop and the lamp. I just feel i should sort of individualize my laptop as many people are using the same one in studio, i am really afraid of if people swap mine with theirs....

Have a nice Monday..
(i am being moody again at Sunday night..errrrrr)

my friend's humor

i want to protect her identity so i put masks on her
but i am so sure that most of my friends know who she is
she is...........! i like her=]


I know that tomorrow is Chinese Jasmine Revolution 20/2/2011
I really wish i can demonstrate in Hong Kong.
I always have faith in China that one day will have a rather democratic and open-minded government.
sometimes i would think about those lower class farmers and people in rural China, think about their situations/living, they should have a proper life and been educated well to know what the freedom actually is. Perhaps most of them would think if they have enough food, their family are heathy, so this is happiness and sort of being free without any problems. I suppose the fundamental meaning of freedom is not only about whether having enough food or not, it is human right, we have our own rights since we are born to be human. The freedom of speech, the democracy are all included. Even a not well-educated farmer has his instinct to fight against who are harming his property; we can all say no to whoever we don't want to obey to, this is our right.

sometimes i think there's too little that i can do, so i suppose to be bearing in mind that we(chinese) are still seeking for democracy is the 'must' for me. Spreading the idea to people next to me is the second one.

There's a phrase in my language: paper can never cover the fire. I believe that one day the communist government in China will have a revolutionary change, instead of turning into a capitalistic one, but a new, fresh and democratic government which countries should have. There will be no labels anymore.

I remember when i saw those Egyptian celebrating their victory of bringing down the dictator in Tahrir Square in News, i feel so inspired! There are still possibilities for us to achieve our goal! Time will prove everything. If everything is just a matter of time, then be patient. I am sure that the day is always coming.




我記得我見到佢個COMMON ROOM 個SOFA 上係放滿D大樽可樂
我地問佢你買咁多做咩 佢話係用唻溝'夾克丹尼'(Jack Daniel)自己豪情盡飲 慨嘆著離鄉之苦
佢冇情情走去開雪櫃 原來佢收埋左支夾克丹尼向雪櫃
你話佢係咪ON9? 邊有人將WHISKY放向冰箱嫁?

*********"同志, 你挺逗的~! *****

P.S 之後佢成個人變到好嘻哈, 上年都仲會俾佢向條街一嗌" HI,多~fi' 佢地傾向發音做 Dolphin....
(呢個POINT我可以寫下一篇) 我對佢既印象就永遠係將夾克丹尼放去雪櫃既一位經典人物
真係可以媲美有D酒樓部長問你要唔要雪紅酒 同埋D亞茂話唔該啤酒加加冰 -_-



琴晚又再睇多次猛龍過江英文DVD 真係太精彩
想講最近得到同course d前輩袋'錢'入我袋 真係好感謝同感動
過江的真係會有猛人 人要自強

P.S 我想遲D打幾篇有關我向英國D同胞的'奇聞'


Akira Kurusawa

繼上次睇完黑澤明的IKIRU 我終於明白點解D人成日都追捧佢
但係我都係仲未睇羅生門 同 七武士 呢2部經典
不過我真係明白佢拍攝手法的獨特之處 我很喜歡他的黑色幽默

今天借了另一部: YOJIMBO用心棒

Pink flamingos1972 by John Waters

Omg this movie is hilarious and so so wrong!!!!!!! i really like those super stupid, crazy 70's movies!!
i love those soundtracks, the way they dressed, the way they walked...
i can't believe i was having breakfast while i was watching this movie!!
Divine is actually a nice person... this is my first thought about her really....
btw, the director really looks like a geek! i knew this movie is because of the article about John Waters in frieze!!! he said he tried to pretend Michael Duchamp's Nude descending a Staircase when he was young by walking in stop-motion... i really can't imagine... that he would make such movie.. it is way too surreal!!

Deerhunter :::: Microcastle/Weird Era Continued

finally got ya 



更以為什麼都有她 就不用怕


不過當有時候憾嘆日子乏味 只要細想每天都有著新事物的
雖然它們不是很大的衝擊 但是我有時真的感到很幸運 很幸運我遇到它們 和察覺到它們

剛剛小睡片刻時發了一個惡夢 真的很可怕 幾乎有那種在床上動彈不得而驚醒的一瞬間
當時腦內一片空白 感覺只有懊惱 然後一直盯著時鐘 想著要不要煮東西吃

我之前在FACEBOOK看到一個英國同學打的一篇文章 主要是表達對每天都要處理自己生活等等大大小小的問題 感到很無聊 每天都是同樣模式地過  very uninspiring

唯有迫自己好好享受這種生活 不竟只是幾年時光 人生不能日日是精彩的

Flash,back(Stage 2 installation)



Flash,back,2011, installation view

Flash,back from Dorothy Fu on Vimeo.
This is a minute video of the projection. It is about my impression of every day life elements: light and shadow and time. It is also mixed with my memories of history. The whole installation indicates how the deep down side of a human mind could be.

lazy pants 懶人褲




昨夜渡輪上 都唔撚知係嘜Q組合

惹起我把火其實係住向我隔離條ON9 毒男
條粉樣係香港人 家境富有 我用幾分鐘 同我專留意無聊野既眼光
最令我佩佈 係佢係有女朋友 世間臭味相投
我頂你個肺 果排 聖誕佢地玩屈蛇
每朝 唔係 係 每中午時分 條女好撚明咩係掩耳盜鈴既道理 就一邊住吹頭髮 一邊好似以為自己向HMV帶HEADPHONE試聽歌咁撚樣大嗌佢條仔起身''喂丫~你咁懶架~快D起身丫~
我仆你個臭街 我問電話先生,你個ALARM功能係咪無左能呀

拿,佢地咁仆街 點解我仲要咁撚ON9 明知宿舍班撚樣特登分種族分房都要住 我真係貪可以用條PK(隔離個廚房櫃) 我屌你老. 我真係咁撚CHEAP 我下年一定搬 自己住

點解我坐咁撚內飛機唻呢到 要日日聽住班仆街毒男D J聲
我真係好撚想殺Q死哂佢地  ( PAUSE一陣,好正呀爆粗真係,仲要聽住鄧麗君 小城故事 基本上我可入得青山)

妖你班低能仔向到睇周星馳 唔好迫我再聽啦好冇 我睇撚左十Q百萬次 都識背啦 我頂你個背脊 正抽筋

岩岩成班美男 好撚認真 向到討論 '依~聽日係年卅晚, 要唔要食團年飯,喂!去打邊爐.." (其實都好正常) 重點係
班社會未來主人翁 食唔食關我撚事 洗唔洗講咁撚大聲呢
(NOW 好Q HIGH聽緊 The Thunders - She's in Hong Kong 1968)

佢地仲要好撚抽筋醒咁以為向廚房到用激嘈低888888度聲線 你知啦 開會 以為冇人聽到 好撚煩呀 收皮啦 死啦 D青春豆 死啦 D死毒男 

都唔撚知點解D英國人鐘意起樓 D牆如tissue般薄
真係好撚ART嫁姐 Are you alright,mate?
我仲記得以前向香港聽到嘈音 我搵唔到實Q 我自己上門拍門
依家都唔會投訴 淨係向到自言自語

嘩 打到好撚長

仲有呢前日條仆街死英國混黑人鐘意噴埋D CHEAP爆 HUGO BOSS 香水 醉友 真係CHEAPPPPPPPPP 爆 銀牙!
見到人地北京仔著住一身難以理解既PJ 笑WOR
佢呢 又好得邊撚到呀 又嗅 又7 ON 99咁
仲要踢撚黑度門 人地投訴 我同佢講條噴 成千上萬一樣味 COLOGNE CK HUGOBOSS 既7頭呀? 屌


古 龍 水

ancient water dragon 
好啦 夠鐘收皮 打到好撚腳痺
係咪覺得我平時假正經 假文藝呢
我只係覺得發完洩 好撚正