
This genuine disappointment makes me want to write at this time

This genuine disappointment makes me want to write at this time

This deepest disappointment has developed to be the disappointment of MYSELF

Therefore I need to write

I need language to ease the pain of feeling disappointed

I am so disappointed that I could not express it with tears

Even tears drop from my eyes

It is only for the sake's of doing it

It has no meaning

No expression

Just disappointment

My brain will(is) no longer function properly if this disappointment stays

I thought I can impress myself


But no

Not surprisingly

I want to stop this

This endless disappointment

This cruel disappointment is slowly killing me

I am quietly waiting for its end

There is an end that I truly believe

In what way


And when

I know there is an end

As if it is the last page of a book

Never repeat reading the bad book

This disappointment is like a book with good opening and a bad ending

I started picking it up again after a good while ago

It is not a bad book at all

I read it from a new perspective

A perspective with terrible memory

I forgot what is the beginning

I thought it doesn't matter

But I misunderstand the whole story

I disrespect the book

And myself

As a reader

As a learner

I feel disappointed by disrespecting the book

I am disappointed by disappointing the book

This utter



Will sleep along with me in this awful dark night

I took pity of myself
I took pity of myself
I took pity of myself

How can I not be disappointed?