
reflection of 天堂口
a mix of old shanghai style and anger+blood


Sarah Lucas

(left) an art piece in Hkart 08                            (right)Sarah Lucas

today i just discovered that i knew her
i remember her rebellious, independent face
i remember her stunning sculpture
You are my true idol now!


i bought a book which called "My name is Charles Saatchi And I am an Artoholic"
it is quite interesting for me
i am curious about how a rich man become a art collector
let say a true, real art lover
but he is also a wise businessman

still got a lot of work to do


Christmas Eve

i've a nice chat with mum
nice spaghetti
chilled Strongbow
Japanese drama"Long Vacation"
which is classic and the name really suited me

I heart NME radio


thank you
that is what i really want to say now

thanks to everyone
actually i do have someone who love, miss and care about me

i shall never feel bad for staying here

tomorrow i will go to gym!!WOW


Fuck my life here in Christmas


Back from London> start my own life in Notts

tate modern

nahyung and me

after this trip i get inspired a lot!
now i am doing some research about some contemporary artists
and i realized i saw some of their work
like Tracey Emin and Chapman Brother
there are still a lot of work to do....

by Chapman brother
 Zygotic acceleration, Biogenetic de-sublimated libidinal model(1995)
Tracey Emin
My bed(1999)

ahhhhh i cant be so lazy anymore
ahhh i am getting fat.........
fking hell
fk forever